Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hail Fellow, and Bikes for Africa

Doug Martin, center, between President Mike Williams and President-elect Arlene Schmidt, at last weekend's changeover event. Doug was being named a Paul Harris Fellow, an award named after the founder of Rotary, in honor and appreciation of his tireless and selfless efforts on behalf of our club.

At today's meeting, Tony Mariotti, a travel planner,  talked about Bicycles for Humanity, with which he's worked to send shipping-crates of bikes to Uganda and South Africa, for use by medical workers, teachers, students and others. He aims to send another, but has lost his storage space. So if anyone in the Saratoga area has room to store a 40-foot shipping crate for up to a year, please let Tony know at

Friday, June 17, 2016


Members planning to carpool to Schroon Lake should assemble at 9:30 tomorrow (Saturday) morning at the park-and-ride lot near the YMCA. Thursday's meeting featured a Bob Bonney interview of our incoming president, Arlene Schmidt, who will be taking over from Mike Williams. Check Arlene's emails or contact Paul Sausville if you need directions to the changeover picnic.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Honor Flight

Malta Sunrise Rotarian Cynthia Young was our speaker Thursday, telling of her moving trip to Washington as a volunteer with Leatherstocking Honor Flight.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Update From Qholaqhoe

Linda Gorham of Qholaqhoe Mountain Connections stopped by Thursday to give us an update on the drought in Lesotho, southern Africa, and the progress and problems of the rural community which her organization helps there. We've been helping out Qholaqhoe Mountain Connections for the past couple of years. Linda won't be making her usual trip there next year because she'll be on a Peace Corps mission with her husband in Micronesia, but she promised to keep us in touch.