Jeffrey Canastra, a CPA with the Albany accounting firm Staff Ciampino & Co., was our speaker this morning. He gave an account of how recent changes in federal tax law will affect how we should file our taxes this year.
Also in attendance was Larry Jones from the Glenville Rotary Club, and governor-elect for Rotary District 7190. He said the district change-over event this June 22 will be less formal than usual and less expensive -- a barbecue to be held at the Mabee Farm on the Mohawk River -- and encouraged members and prospective members to attend.
A couple of members have been joining regular attendee Tom Disinger (Malta Sunrise Rotary president) at the Toys for Tots warehouse. There they receive, sort, dispatch and lug around toys to be given to needy children this Christmas. More volunteers are welcome at the warehouse, which is located behind Starpoint Church, on the north side of Route 146 in Clifton Park.
No morning meetings for the next two weeks, but don't forget about our Christmas/holiday party next Thursday Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. at The Ripe Tomato. Contact Chris Luhn for details.