Saturday, August 29, 2020

Blood Drive, Gift of Life, Youth Center


Contact the Red Cross (see flier above) to sign up for the blood drive on September 22, which we are sponsoring at the Malta Community Center. Hope to see you there.
At our meeting on Thursday at Shenantaha Creek Park, there were two speakers. Mark Juda from the Schenectady Rotary made a pitch for our Rotary District 7190's 22nd annual golf tournament to benefit Gift of Life International, which has a program through Albany Medical Center. If you can't play golf on that day, you could just send a donation in care of Richard Suker at the address on the flier below:
Our other speaker was Malta Councilman Craig Warner, who talked about his work with the Capital District Youth Center. While the facility is located in Albany County, Saratoga, Schenectady and Rensselaer counties also participate.
Craig's standing on the right, Mark is on the left, in photo below:

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Different Drones

Rotarian Dave Kruczlnicki surveys a socially distant meeting Thursday at Shenantaha Park. Contact Dave (or club President Larry Levine) -- or come to this week's meeting at 7:15 Thursday morning -- if you're willing to help organize a food-based fund-raiser toward the end of this month.

On left, David Wood, designated speaker at last Thursday's meeting, shows off two frames of one of the bee hives he keeps in East Galway. (The headline above refers to last week's meeting where the speaker talked about a different kind of flying drones. David Wood's drones are male bees, and while he brought some along in those frames, most bees in the photo and in general are females, who do the work of the hive.)