Friday, December 18, 2020

Season's Business

     At Thursday's meeting, we voted to donate a total of $1,800 to two African projects which we have been helping support in recent years. While $1,100 of that total comes from individual members' targeted donations, $700 comes from general club funds.

     We voted an additional $200 to help address local people's needs as identified by Malta Seniors.

    A $1,000 donation is going for projects in Uganda undertaken by members of the Presbyterian-New England Congregational Church of Saratoga Springs in collaboration with Aids Orphan Education Trust. Two of our members have made trips to Uganda to work on education, medical and infrastructure projects, while another has contributed $1,000 to the program through Malta Sunrise Rotary over the past year. PNECC and AOET facilitate sponsorships and provide services in Uganda mostly to children, not excluding anyone on the basis of religion.

    The other $800 goes to Qholaqhoe Mountain Connections, which sponsors scholarship and feeding programs in a remote area of Lesotho. We have been helping fund QMC since 2014.

    The club has often hosted speakers with news about how our support helps people in Uganda and Lesotho.



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