Amy Havens, an aide at the Saratoga County Animal Shelter, was our speaker on Thursday. The shelter, she said, is significantly cheaper to adopt a pet from than an SPCA. It takes in strays, trying to reunite them with owners, and "animal surrenders". It vaccinates (e.g. at rabies clinics), tests and microchips. It provides low-cost euthanasia and cremation service at owners' request when their pets are old or sick, but is often willing to spend a long time seeking adoption rather than euthanizing animals.
Amy, who is in school to become a vet tech, said there are volunteer opportunities ranging from cleaning to dog walking. The next volunteer orientation at the shelter (6010 County Farm Road in Milton) will be held Jan. 14 at 2 p.m.
In other business, our new member Murray Eitzmann's Rotary badge and shirt have arrived.