Treasurer Cynthia Young reported that in the 2023-24 Rotary fiscal year starting July 1, we have expended through May $2,400 on charitable donations, an additional $1,500 on scholarships, another $1,584.92 on donations to the Rotary Foundation, $1,973.92 for Rotary International dues and $720 for Rotary District dues.
The slate of officers elected for the 2024-25 year is President Chris Havens, Vice President Paul Phillips, President-elect Dwight Havens, Treasurer Cynthia Young, Secretary Brian Farrell, Membership Chair Larry Levine, Foundation Chair Barbara Conner, Budget and Finance Chair Steve Ames.
Hi - I'll be attending your weekly meeting tomorrow at 7:15 am at the Ugly Rooster, as a prospective member. Attending with me will the Malta branch manager of Hudson Valley Credit Union. My number is (518) 410-4442 and my direct email address is Looking forward to it!