Sunday, December 22, 2024

School Boards Association

Caroline Bobick, deputy director of governmental and external relations for the New York State School Boards Association, was our speaker on Thursday.

She said NYSSBA will be focused on potential changes in the Foundation Aid formula coming up for review in the Legislature. Among local concerns, she said, are what are widely seen as unrealistic state mandates regarding the conversion of school bus fleets from gasoline to electric power. 

NYSSBA is also concerned about issues relating to student mental health, such as phone use restrictions and shortage of counselors. 

Caroline and her husband David live in Luther Forest in Malta with their two young children. She has taught and done volunteer work in Turkey, Honduras and Nicaragua, and has been involved with the International Center of the Capital Region.

The previous week, we had an excellent holiday dinner at Buona Sera restaurant on Route 9P in Malta. We will take a break this week, and meet next on Jan. 2 back at The Ugly Rooster. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.