Friday, December 3, 2021

Gift of Life Via Malta Sunrise Rotary to Ugandan Boy


A story in today's Albany Times Union is headlined "Toddler in Uganda gets life-saving surgery with help from Malta man". (It is published online today, December 3, and will probably appear in print over the weekend.) The story concerns this boy, Mark Kasajja, who is now recovering well after operations on November 25 at the Uganda Heart Institute. The treatments were paid for by Gift of Life International, which has long been associated with Rotary and to which our club has made modest donations over the years. We have also helped support through AOET a school in Uganda where Mark's father works.

At a meeting of Malta Sunrise Rotary last March, the Zoom speaker was Rob Raylman, CEO of Gift of Life. In attendance was our member Paul Phillips (the aforementioned "Malta man"), who for 18 years has led local efforts to support AOET in Uganda. Paul brought up with Rob the plight of Mark Kasajja, then aged two-and-a-half. They followed up later to good effect.

Coincidentally, the Times Union reporter, Wendy Liberatore, spoke to our club in 2019.